Laser Acne Treatment

  • What is Acne?

    Acne is a very common condition and about 9 out of 10 teenagers will develop some degree of acne. In most cases, acne lasts about 4 or 5 years before resolving, however unfortunately it can continue to be a problem into and through the adult years. Acne may also present itself in later life, and is commonly known as ‘Late Onset Acne’, when there has been no history of spots in the teenage years. Acne ranges from a mild, to very severe condition, the effects of which cannot be underestimated.

  • Acne laser treatment works in two ways, firstly laser light heats up the capillaries that supply the sebaceous glands with excess oil production and essentially makes them dormant so an over-supply is not created. The heat also kills P acne bacteria to stop the spread of the acne. The laser also exfoliates the skins surface making acne build up finer and smoother. This treatment works by penetrating the dermis and epidermis (top and middle layers of the skin) for an instant results as well as reduced acne within the future.

    Course of 4 sessions with 3 week interval is recommended for the best results.

    Depending on severalty of acne skin might need to be exfoliated before treatments

    If acne is very severe ask your GP to prescribe REDAP cream, this helps to aid the light into the skin.

    Results :

    Reduced acne

    Oil production reduced

    Smaller pores

    Less pigmentation in treatment area

  • Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics or hydroxy acids 5-7 days prior to the treatment. .

    No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated for 5 days prior.

    Avoid unprotected sun exposure or sunburn before treatment.

    Do not shave the face the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation.

    Keep makeup to a minimum day of the treatment if possible and do not experiment with new products before the treatment.


    Try to stay out of excessive sun exposure such as tanning and sunbathing for at least

    10 days to avoid risk of hyperpigmentation and sensitizing the skin.

    2. Do not apply makeup immediately after treatment. Continue to wear SPF 30+ daily.

    3. Gently cleanse your face before bedtime day of the treatment with a gentle cleanser

    and tepid water.

    4. Use serums and the recommended skin care products per your skin therapists’ directions.

    5. Avoid sweaty exercise, saunas, and swimming for at least 48 hours after treatment.

    6. Avoid immediately using active skin care (including AHA/BHAs, exfoliants, Vitamin A, Retinol,etc.)

    for at least 3-5 days