
Skin aging and facial age-related morphological changes are usually related to the loss of skin elasticity due to intrinsic (e.g., genetic) and extrinsic (e.g., sun exposure, smoke, and lifestyle) factors. Morphological changes occurring during aging lead to a loss in facial volume and the formation of wrinkles. These appearance modifications can cause some people distress and have a marked impact on social behaviour and relationship, leading to an overall increase in aesthetic procedures.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) treatments are well-known and used for facial rejuvenation and aesthetic procedures due to the ability of this polymer to reduce skin aging and wrinkle formation. As a result of its specific biochemical and physical characteristics, HA is one of the most widely used components of fillers worldwide, and can be administered in different formulations, depending on HA molecular weight, composition, and concentration.

What is Profhilo?

The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary 'beneath the skin' hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo® stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin.

One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo® not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue. The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck and can also be used for the décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area where it would effectively treat skin laxity. The treatment is suitable for men and women as well as offering skin benefits for patients of all ages.

How Does Profhilo® Work?

Ultra-pure hyaluronic acid is precisely injected into the area being treated. Unlike wrinkle reducing and dermal filler treatments, Profhilo® stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water in the deeper layers of the skin.

As a stabilised product, the activity on dermal cells will last longer than that of a non-stabilised gel. During this time the stimulation of four different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid.

The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. Therefore we cannot say that Profhilo® is a skin booster as it also has a significant tightening / lifting effect on the tissue.

The Benefits of Profhilo 

Thanks to its unique tissue healing properties, it has been heralded as true breakthrough in anti-ageing medicine. Unlike fillers, it doesn’t over-volumise the skin and enables patients to target fine lines and wrinkles and tighten sagging skin in a subtle but impactful way. This has made it a go-to treatment for patients who are looking to refresh and rejuvenate their skin in a natural-looking way. This collagen boosting injection treatment has a multitude of benefits that can help individuals to improve skin laxity, strength and texture across a variety of hard-to-treat areas. Profhilo: 

– Stimulates 4 different types of collagen and elastin
– Improves skin hydration and moisture levels
– Restores skin luminosity and dewiness
– Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
– Improves skin elasticity
– Lifts lose, sagging skin and improves skin laxity
– Tightens skin for a more taut, youthful appearance
– Restores volume to sunken or hollow areas
– Strengthens and firms skin texture
– Non-invasive with minimal downtime 

At Smart Skin we use the Profhilo BAP Injection Technique to maximise comfort during your treatment and achieve the best possible results. During your Profhilo treatment, our aesthetic practitioner will create a tailored treatment plan and and discuss how to enhance your look in a subtle yet transformational way to capture your own natural enchantment.


  • It’s a course of 2 sessions 4 weeks apart.

    Your practitioner may recommend a 3-part process rather than a 2-part process upon assessment; this is usual in cases of more advanced skin ageing.

    A top up session can be done 6 months after or annually.

  • Takes around 30-60 min.

  • Normally injection point will develop slight lumps under the skin and it may take up to 24 hours for the product to be distributed.

    Mild swelling and bruising are the most common potential side effects immediately following your treatment session. At Smart Skin Clinic you will be treated by an aesthetic practitioner with extensive education in aesthetics and the skills and knowledge to handle any possible side effects or complications.

    Your practitioner will discuss any possible side effects, questions you may have about Profhilo and any aftercare you should adhere to prior to you having treatment.

  • Yes, Profhilo has a good safety profile. This injectable treatment uses hyaluronic acid which is natural to our bodies own, it is very rare to get any serious complications as it’s not a filler, and does not have as thick consistency as filler. However care must be taken to follow pre and aftercare advice.

  • As with most treatments, this can vary depending on area you have been treated, how many treatments you have had, your lifestyle and your metabolic rate; these factors usually influence the longevity of your results. For example, those who smoke or sun worshipers will enjoy the results however they will need faster maintenance.

    The guidelines are to have maintenance treatments around six months after your full treatment.

  • The level of discomfort is usually found to be mild and tolerable by patients. The most common feedback we receive is that some Profhilo injections can feel like small ‘stings’. Each person’s tolerance to pain is different however and application of local anaesthetic cream prior to the procedure could be advices.

  • What will it look like straight after?

    It is possible that the patient may have some raised injection spots and swelling for a couple of hours after treatment. These spots can take up to 24 hours to go down completely. For this reason, we advise against making plans on the same day of treatment. In slim individuals, it may be possible to see slight raised areas for up to five days.

    • Patients must refrain from touching or applying makeup to the area for at least 6 hours to avoid infection. Avoid touching the treated area or applying with products including moisturisers, face-wash within 24hours following treatment. Please make use of the handy antiseptic wipes we gave you if you by accident touch the treated area/s.

    • Until the initial swelling and redness has resolved please do not expose the area to intense heat. Eg sunbeds, sunbathing, please use sun protection post treatment if you cannot avoid being in the sun. Also avoid any extreme cold temperatures.

    • Please do not participate in strenuous exercise for 48 hours after your procedure as it can cause migration of filler due to increased blood flow and excess bruising/ swelling.

    • Avoid excessive alcohol and the use of aspirin or ibuprofen for 24 hours following treatment please be aware that the above may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site as they are blood thinners.

    • The use of topical arnica cream or tablets may help manage bruising

    • Avoid any facials, micro-dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser and sun beds for at least 14 days.

    Timelines for other treatments:

    Botulinum toxin - 2 weeks prior

    Facial Treatment - (Microdermabrasion, chemical peel, IPL, Fractional Resurfacing ) - 4 weeks

    Dental procedures - 2 weeks before / after treatment Vaccines - 2 weeks before/after

    Can not treat:

    ANYONE under the age of 18, this is a criminal offence as of 2020.

    If you are Pregnant.


    Undergoing IVF

    Immunosuppressant ie. undergoing chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Allergies to Gram +ve bacterial proteins or lidocaine.

    Active infection, especially near the site of injection. Active herpes virus (cold sores) at the time of treatment.